How We Raise Our Grass-Fed beef

Better Soil - Better water - Better Grass

Better Beef - Better Choice - better Health

The mineral rich and fertile soils along the glacial shores of Lake Michigan are the foundation of the pastures that feed our herd. We magnify animal health with:

  • Regenerative farming practices

  • Excellent herd genetics

  • Diversity of pasture grass and other forage

  • Clean, fresh, crystal-clear, year-round 55 degree  water

Our livestock enjoy a stress-free quality life to become nutrient dense, 100% grass-fed beef enjoyed by people that prioritize farm fresh food.

Welcome to

The North Coast Ranch


Regenerative, Adaptive, Old-Fashioned Practices

We raise cattle using old-fashioned, common sense, time tested, regenerative, adaptive farming practices where cattle roam free, daily, for their entire lives. We treat all parts of the cattle raising process with respect and stewardship. After all, happy, stress-free cattle make the best beef.Since you likely care about animal welfare and humanely-raised meat, paying attention to this label may be important to you.

  • Our cattle are regularly rotated to fresh pastures which allows them to only eat the greenest, freshest, most tender and nutritious top 1/3 of the grass plant.

  • We adapt the size of the grazing area and speed at which the cattle are rotated. Depending on the time of year and how quickly, or slowly, the grass is growing, we change it up. Sometimes they are in one place for two days, other times it may only be six hours. It all depends. We adapt to what Mother Nature provides and what the cattle need for optimum health.

  • Cattle rotation allows the grass plants a period of rest before the cattle come back to "take another bite".

  • Rotating pastures also keeps the cattle on fresh ground, away from pesky flies that gather on and around the butt fertilizer (i.e. manure) produced by cattle as the cattle eat and walk around. 

What Else?

  • Worms, dung beetles and other beneficial insects then break down the manure to enrich the soil and further enhance plant growth and nutrition. The manure is then broken down and decomposed before the cattle come back to that area of the pasture. Our Goal: Don't let the cattle eat their meals while standing next to their toilet. The soil is constantly being nourished, naturally.

  • By not letting the grass get chomped down to the ground, the blades of grass that remain are like hundreds of mini-solar panels that collect and absorb the sun's rays to grow back more efficiently. These taller blades of grass also provide shade to keep the ground cooler, which aids in root development and overall plant health, which helps heal the planet.  

  • Pastures of plants with deep, strong root systems can harvest the minerals and nutrients that are deep in the soil. Strong root systems also support complex colonies of mycorrhiza fungi which play an important role in plant nutrition, soil biology and soil chemistry. This further heals and enriches the soil.

  • These minerals and nutrients harvested from deep in the soil are then consumed by the cattle, which in turn creates the unique, nutrient dense beef that you enjoy.  As you can see, it is one big Circle of Life !


  • Feedlots are also known as Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs).

  • Here, cattle are packed together in unnatural, stressful, and often unsanitary quarters to be “finished” or fattened up for harvest.

  • They are fed corn, grain, by-products, even candy (yes, gummy bears and chocolate) to up their weight as quickly and cheaply as possible.

  • This typically last months and can last as long as one-third of the animal’s life.


  • While we make no claims that eating 100% grass-fed beef will make you healthy, many studies suggest that organic food is more nutritious, and that pesticides in food may be a health hazard

  • When cattle eat their natural diet of grass, the beef is functionally different. Compared to conventional beef, grass-fed beef is leaner, lower in calories and higher in vitamins and nutrients. Higher in Omega-3s and CLA, beta carotene, Vitamin E, B vitamins, the list goes on.

  • Learn more about how to buy grass-fed beef or buy now.


Most people that have only eaten conventional beef may notice that grass-fed beef tastes different. The cattle's diet of only grass vs. grain or corn often results in a “true beef” flavor. Grass-fed beef simply tastes like real beef.

Soil & Water

The best tasting, healthiest beef drink clean, fresh, crystal clear water 24/7/365 and eats fresh grass grown in the mineral rich & fertile soils along the glacial shores of Lake Michigan. Straight from The North Coast Ranch to your family's dinner table.

Regenerative Farming

Healing the soil with common sense, time tested, regenerative, adaptive grazing practices so that you and your family can feel good about what you eat and enjoy every meal together.

Fresh Water 27 / 7 / 365

The most important thing a rancher can do to help ensure animal health is to always provide clean, fresh water. If we wouldn't drink the water, our cattle don't have to either!

  • Our cattle have access to clean, fresh groundwater sourced from ancient aquifers deep in the ground.

  • We use specially designed water "fountains" that only deliver water when the cattle want it. It's no different than you opening your kitchen sink faucet for a fresh glass of water. The cattle push their nose and mouth on a special paddle that triggers the water to fill a bowl. When they're done drinking, any remaining water is then drained back into the ground. Fresh water, always.

  • Ground water in Michigan is a constant 55 degrees, year-round:

  • In the winter, this helps keep cattle warm. The cattle save energy by not having to warm the water which might otherwise be just above freezing, 32 degrees. Yes, a 20 degree difference in water temperature makes a big difference. On a side note: cattle are ruminant animals with multiple stomachs. They churn their food several times before it is finally digested. This churning generates heat and keeps the cattle warm. That's why they perform better in cooler climates, like Michigan.

  • In the summer, just the opposite. The coolness of this water helps regulate the cattle's internal temperature so they don't have to use as much energy to cool themselves from the summer heat or go find some shade. Instead, they can continue to eat and not feel the heat.

  • Our cattle enjoy less stressful days. In turn, their bodies have the energy to fully convert grass and other forages into nutrient dense, tastier beef.


Nope. Sometimes we treat sick animals with antibiotics, but none will be sold to you as The North Coast Ranch beef. They will be sold elsewhere. We never use any form of growth hormones

Do You Actually Raise the Cattle?

We raise our cattle on our ranch. Most of our cattle are born here on the ranch, and some are purchased as calves or yearlings from other producers that we know well and that are also working to change the way cattle are raised and land is managed. We will never simply pass along cattle from other producers. The cattle we raise and the beef we sell will spend a significant amount of time on our ranch, under our care.