It’s About You
Your Journey.
Why You’re Here.
How We Can Help
Tired of buying food and not knowing where it really comes from?
Confused by food labels at the grocery store?
Tired of eating on the run and feeling guilty for not cooking enough?
Confused by food labels at the grocery store?
Concerned your kids aren't getting the best nutrition for their growing bodies and minds?
Disgusted to learn your grass-fed beef actually stood in mud, poop and urine for half its life? Yuck!
Struggling to find an easy way to buy grass-fed beef?
We Can Help
We Get it. Been There. Done That.
Finding nutrient-dense, grass-fed beef can sometimes be difficult. That's the reason we began our ranching journey in 2016.
We don't have all the answers, but we have enough to know we can help you, your friends and family.
The transition from the standard American diet to a whole foods diet is a learning process. We Get It.
Like Lisa from Rochester shares below, we believe that... When we change the way we eat, we change the way we feel.
Sounds simple enough, right? Let's go!
“There is a very clear connection between the food that I get here and how much better I feel.
When I make healthy choices, I just feel better.”
— Lisa, Rochester, MI
Know. Like. Trust.
People Do business with people they know, like and trust.
Our Goal
GETto Know Us.
Like how we raise your food.
trust us to deliver nutrient-dense, 100% grass-fed beef to you, your friends and family
100% Grass-Fed Beef
Simple Honest food
for memorable meals
with friends and family
Simple Honest Food
Celebrating life with simple, honest food makes for the most memorable meals. Connect with each other and enjoy what really matters. Feel good about what you're eating. Farm fresh food delivered right to your home.
Your Health
Your health is partly determined by what you eat...and in turn, what you eat, eats. Our Northern Michigan cattle roam free, eat grass and enjoy a stress-free life so that you and your friends and family can make a better choice for better health.